Magento 2 Generate Product Url Key

The repository is where Magento 2 and third-party Composer packages are stored and requires authentication. Use your Magento Marketplace account to generate a pair of 32-character authentication keys to access the repository.

Jan 17, 2017 Magento 2 – Regenerate Url Rewrites. Magento 1 had an indexer which regenerate url rewrites automatically each run of that indexer. This was quite comfortable. The only problem were shops with a lot of products. The more products and the more rewrites, the longer this indexer runs. Create the Rewrite. On the Admin sidebar, go to Marketing Search & SEO URL Rewrites. Before you proceed, do the following to verify that the request path is available. In the search filter at the top of the Request Path column, enter the URL key of the page to be redirected and click Search.

Our documentation is continually updated with new topics, clarifications, and corrections to existing content. Added a note clarifying the inclusion of Google Shopping ads Channel with Magento 2.3.3. Add/Updated Google API Key. Added information for a new Generate 'category/product' URL. Oct 01, 2019  Magento 2 CE allows to create at least 6 types of products: Simple, Configurable, Grouped, Virtual, Bundle and Downlodable. Usually Magento 2 shop should have Configurable Products (Parent) with several Simple Products (Child) associated in a number equal to all the possible combinations for the Attributes Options Values associated. Plan the product; Step 2. Create the configurable product; Step 3. Create the simple products; Step 4. Define configurable product options; Step 5. Create the personalization option. How to create Root Category in Magento 2? To create a root category in Magento 2, follow the below steps: Step 1: On the sidebar of Admin Panel, Go to Catalog Category. Step 2: Click on 'Add Root Category' to create the root category. Step 3: Fill the information in required fields such as category name and click on Save. Generate a local REST reference. The REST documentation on the Magento devdocs website is generated with Swagger UI using a schema derived from the latest build of Magento 2. However, the REST API documentation on devdocs is static in that the Magento Developers website is not running an instance of Magento, and there is no live data.

For access to Magento Commerce and Magento Commerce Cloud packages, you must use keys associated with a MAGEID that has been granted access to those packages. If you encounter errors, you may not be authorized to access the package. Contact Magento support for assistance with your MAGEID.

To create authentication keys:

  1. Log in to the Magento Marketplace. If you don’t have an account, click Register.
  2. Click your account name in the top-right of the page and select My Profile.

  3. Click Access Keys in the Marketplace tab.

  4. Click Create a New Access Key. Enter a specific name for the keys (e.g., the name of the developer receiving the keys) and click OK.

  5. New public and private keys are now associated with your account that you can click to copy. Save this information or keep the page open when working with your Magento project. Use the Public key as your username and the Private key as your password.

Manage your authentication keys

You can also disable or delete authentication keys. For example, you can disable or delete keys for security reasons after someone leaves your organization.

  • To disable keys: Click Disable. You can do this if you want to suspend use of your keys.
  • To enable a previously disabled key: Click Enable.
  • To delete keys: Click Delete.

Manage SSH access token

To download Magento releases using SSH, you must generate a Downloads Access Token. To generate a token:

Magento 2 Product Url Key

  1. Log in to your account.
  2. Click My Account at the top of the page.
  3. Click Account Settings > Downloads Access Token.

  4. Click Generate new token to replace and disable an existing token.

You must use your MAGEID plus your token to download a release. Your MAGEID is displayed at the top-left of your account page.

For example:

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An integration enables third-party services to call the Magento web APIs. The Magento APIs currently supports Accounting, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Product Information Management (PIM), and marketing automation systems out of the box.

Implementing a simple integration requires little knowledge of PHP or Magento internal processes. However, you will need a working knowledge of

Before you begin creating a module, make sure that you have a working installation of Magento 2.0, and the Magento System Requirements.

To create an integration, follow these general steps:

Create a skeletal module

To develop a module, you must:

  1. Create the module file structure. The module for an integration can be placed anywhere under the Magento root directory, but the recommended location is <magento_base_dir>/vendor/<vendor_name>/module-<module_name>.

    Also create etc, etc/integration, and Setup subdirectories under module-<module_name>, as shown in the following example:

    For more detailed information, see Create your component file structure.

  2. Define your module configuration file. The etc/module.xml file provides basic information about the module. Change directories to the etc directory and create the module.xml file. You must specify values for the following attributes:

    nameA string that uniquely identifies the [module](
    setup_versionThe version of Magento the component uses

    The following example shows an example etc/module.xml file.

    Module Magento_Integration is added to “sequence” to be loaded first. It helps to avoid the issue, when a module with integration config loaded, that leads to a malfunction.

  3. Add your module’s composer.json file. Composer is a dependency manager for PHP. You must create a composer.json file for your module so that Composer can install and update the libraries your module relies on. Place the composer.json file in the module-<module_name> directory.

    The following example demonstrates a minimal composer.json file.

    For more information, see Create a component.

  4. Create a registration.php file The registration.php registers the module with the Magento system. It must be placed in the module’s root directory.

  5. Create an install class. Change directories to your Setup directory. Create a InstallData.php file that installs the integration configuration data into the Magento integration table.

    The following sample is boilerplate and requires minor changes to make your integration work.

    In the following line


    testIntegration must refer to your etc/integration/config.xml file, and the integration name value must be the same.

    The following example demonstrates a minimal config.xml file.

    Also, be sure to change the path after namespace for your vendor and module names.

Create integration files

Magento provides the Integration module, which simplifies the process of defining your integration. This module automatically performs functions such as:

  • Managing the third-party account that connects to Magento.
  • Maintaining OAuth authorizations and user data.
  • Managing security tokens and requests.

To customize your module, you must create multiple XML files and read through others files to determine what resources existing Magento modules have access to.

The process for customizing your module includes

Define the required resources

The etc/integration/api.xml file defines which API resources the integration has access to.

To determine which resources an integration needs access to, review the permissions defined in each module’s etc/acl.xml file.

In the following example, the test integration requires access to the following resources in the Sales module:

Pre-configure the integration

Your module can optionally provide values in configuration file config.xml, so that the integration can be automatically pre-configured with default values. To enable this feature, update the config.xml file in the etc/integration directory.

If you pre-configure the integration, the values cannot be edited from the admin panel.

The file defines which API resources the integration has access to.

integrationsContains one or more integration definitions.
integration name='Defines an integration. The name must be specified.
emailAn email to associate with this integration.

Optional. The [URL]( where OAuth credentials can be sent when using OAuth for token exchange. We strongly recommend using https://.

See OAuth-based authentication for details.

identity_link_urlOptional. The URL that redirects the user to link their 3rd party account with the Magento integration.

Install your module

Use the following steps to install your module:

  1. Run the following command to update the Magento database schema and data.

  2. Run the following command to generate the new code.

    In Production mode, you may receive a message to ‘Please rerun Magento compile command’. Enter the command below. Magento does not prompt you to run the compile command in Developer mode.

  3. Run the following command to clean the cache.

Check your integration

Log in to Magento and navigate to System > Extensions > Integrations. The integration should be displayed in the grid.

Integrate with your application

Before you can activate your integration in Magento, you must create two pages on your application to handle OAuth communications.

  • The location specified in the identity_link_url parameter must point to a page that can handle login requests.

  • The location specified in the endpoint_url parameter (Callback URL in Admin) must be able to process OAuth token exchanges.

Login page

Magento 2 Generate Product Url Key For Windows 10

When a merchant clicks the Activate button in Admin, a pop-up login page for the third-party application displays. Magento sends values for oauth_consumer_key and success_call_back parameters. The application must store the value for oauth_consumer_key to tie it to the login ID. Use the success_call_back parameter to return control back to Magento.

Callback page

The callback page must be able to perform the following tasks:

  • Receive an initial HTTPS POST that Magento sends when the merchant activates integration. This post contains the Magento store URL, an oauth_verifier, the OAuth consumer key, and the OAuth consumer secret. The consumer key and secret are generated when the integration is created.

  • Ask for a request token. A request token is a temporary token that the user exchanges for an access token. Use the following API to get a request token from Magento:

    POST /oauth/token/request

    See Get a request token for more details about this call.

  • Parse the request token response. The response contains an oauth_token and oauth_token_secret.

  • Ask for an access token. The request token must be exchanged for an access token. Use the following API to get a request token from Magento:

    POST /oauth/token/access

    See Get an access token for more details about this call.

  • Parse the access token response. The response contains an oauth_token and oauth_token_secret. Pc game key generators. These values will be different than those provided in the request token response.

  • Save the access token and other OAuth parameters. The access token and OAuth parameters must be specified in the Authorization header in each call to Magento.

Magento 2 Get Product Url Key

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