Generating And Storing A Key For Aes-256-ctr

You have a 256-bit master key Generate a random 128-bit value and set the last bit to 0 Generate a 256-bit keystream using Generate a random 96-bit value Using as the key, and as the nonce, encrypt your message with AES256-GCM, and authenticate as associated data Include with the ciphertext As you suggested. Use the first 32 bytes as the AES-256-CTR key. Use the next 16 bytes as the AES-256-CTR IV. Encrypt 65536 bytes of zeroes. Slice the ciphertext up into 4096 128-bit IVs (65536 / 16). Rinse and repeat steps 1 to 6 every 4096 IVs. Does it matter whether one encrypts 65536 bytes of zeroes at a time. How to generate 256 bits AES key duplicate. For generating AES key of 256 bits, i wrote following code. If you need to encrypt content with keys larger than.


An Azure storage account uses credentials comprising an account name and a key. The key is auto-generated and serves as a password, rather than an as a cryptographic key. Key Vault manages storage account keys by storing them as Key Vault secrets.

You can use the Key Vault managed storage account key feature to list (sync) keys with an Azure storage account, and regenerate (rotate) the keys periodically. You can manage keys for both storage accounts and Classic storage accounts.

When you use the managed storage account key feature, consider the following points:

  • Key values are never returned in response to a caller.
  • Only Key Vault should manage your storage account keys. Don't manage the keys yourself and avoid interfering with Key Vault processes.
  • Only a single Key Vault object should manage storage account keys. Don't allow key management from multiple objects.
  • You can request Key Vault to manage your storage account with a user principal, but not with a service principal.
  • Regenerate keys by using Key Vault only. Don't manually regenerate your storage account keys.

We recommend using Azure Storage integration with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), Microsoft's cloud-based identity and access management service. Azure AD integration is available for Azure blobs and queues, and provides OAuth2 token-based access to Azure Storage (just like Azure Key Vault).

Azure AD allows you to authenticate your client application by using an application or user identity, instead of storage account credentials. Crypto key generate rsa modulus 2048 cisco. You can use an Azure AD managed identity when you run on Azure. Managed identities remove the need for client authentication and storing credentials in or with your application.

Azure AD uses role-based access control (RBAC) to manage authorization, which is also supported by Key Vault.

Service principal application ID

An Azure AD tenant provides each registered application with a service principal. The service principal serves as the Application ID, which is used during authorization setup for access to other Azure resources via RBAC.

Key Vault is a Microsoft application that's pre-registered in all Azure AD tenants. Key Vault is registered under the same Application ID in each Azure cloud.

TenantsCloudApplication ID
Azure ADAzure Government7e7c393b-45d0-48b1-a35e-2905ddf8183c
Azure ADAzure publiccfa8b339-82a2-471a-a3c9-0fc0be7a4093


To complete this guide, you must first do the following:

  • Install the Azure CLI.
  • Create an Azure storage account. The storage account name must use only lowercase letters and numbers. The length of the name must be between 3 and 24 characters.

Manage storage account keys

Connect to your Azure account

Authenticate your Azure CLI session using the az login commands.

Generating And Storing A Key For Aes-256-ctr Youtube

Give Key Vault access to your storage account

Use the Azure CLI az role assignment create command to give Key Vault access your storage account. Provide the command the following parameter values:

  • --role: Pass the 'Storage Account Key Operator Service Role' RBAC role. This role limits the access scope to your storage account. For a classic storage account, pass 'Classic Storage Account Key Operator Service Role' instead.
  • --assignee-object-id: Pass the value '93c27d83-f79b-4cb2-8dd4-4aa716542e74', which is the Object ID for Key Vault in the Azure public cloud. (To get the Object ID for Key Vault in the Azure Government cloud, see Service principal application ID.)
  • --scope: Pass your storage account resource ID, which is in the form /subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<StorageAccountResourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<YourStorageAccountName>. To find your subscription ID, use the Azure CLI az account list command; to find your storage account name and storage account resource group, use the Azure CLI az storage account list command.

Create a Key Vault Managed storage account

Create a Key Vault managed storage account using the Azure CLI az keyvault storage command. Set a regeneration period of 90 days. After 90 days, Key Vault regenerates key1 and swaps the active key from key2 to key1. key1 is then marked as the active key. Provide the command the following parameter values:

  • --vault-name: Pass the name of your key vault. To find the name of your key vault, use the Azure CLI az keyvault list command.
  • -n: Pass the name of your storage account. To find the name of your storage account, use the Azure CLI az storage account list command.
  • --resource-id: Pass your storage account resource ID, which is in the form /subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<StorageAccountResourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<YourStorageAccountName>. To find your subscription ID, use the Azure CLI az account list command; to find your storage account name and storage account resource group, use the Azure CLI az storage account list command.

Shared access signature tokens

You can also ask Key Vault to generate shared access signature tokens. A shared access signature provides delegated access to resources in your storage account. You can grant clients access to resources in your storage account without sharing your account keys. A shared access signature provides you with a secure way to share your storage resources without compromising your account keys.

The commands in this section complete the following actions:

  • Set an account shared access signature definition <YourSASDefinitionName>. The definition is set on a Key Vault managed storage account <YourStorageAccountName> in your key vault <YourKeyVaultName>.
  • Create an account shared access signature token for Blob, File, Table, and Queue services. The token is created for resource types Service, Container, and Object. The token is created with all permissions, over https, and with the specified start and end dates.
  • Set a Key Vault managed storage shared access signature definition in the vault. The definition has the template URI of the shared access signature token that was created. The definition has the shared access signature type account and is valid for N days.
  • Verify that the shared access signature was saved in your key vault as a secret.

Create a shared access signature token

Create a shared access signature definition using the Azure CLI az storage account generate-sas command. This operation requires the storage and setsas permissions.

After the operation runs successfully, copy the output.

Generating And Storing A Key For Aes-256-ctr Money

This output will be the passed to the --template-id parameter in the next step.

Generate a shared access signature definition

Use the the Azure CLI az keyvault storage sas-definition create command, passing the output from the previous step to the --template-id parameter, to create a shared access signature definition. You can provide the name of your choice to the -n parameter.

Verify the shared access signature definition

You can verify that the shared access signature definition has been stored in your key vault using the Azure CLI az keyvault secret list and az keyvault secret show commands.

First, find the shared access signature definition in your key vault using the az keyvault secret list command.

The secret corresponding to your SAS definition will have these properties:

You can now use the az keyvault secret show command and the id property to view the content of that secret.

Generating And Storing A Key For Aes-256-ctr Free

The output of this command will show your SAS definition string asvalue.

Generating And Storing A Key For Aes-256-ctr Windows 10

Next steps

  • Learn more about keys, secrets, and certificates.
  • Review articles on the Azure Key Vault team blog.
  • See the az keyvault storage reference documentation.


To complete this tutorial, you need an Azure account. For details, see Azure Free Trial. > No new features or functionality are being added to Media Services v2.
Check out the latest version, Media Services v3. Also, see migration guidance from v2 to v3

It is highly recommended to encrypt your content locally using AES-256 bit encryption and then upload it to Azure Storage where it is stored encrypted at rest.

This article gives an overview of AMS storage encryption and shows you how to upload the storage encrypted content:

  • Create a content key.

  • Create an Asset. Set the AssetCreationOption to StorageEncryption when creating the Asset.

    Encrypted assets are associated with content keys.

  • Link the content key to the asset.

  • Set the encryption-related parameters on the AssetFile entities.


If you want to deliver a storage encrypted asset, you must configure the asset’s delivery policy. Before your asset can be streamed, the streaming server removes the storage encryption and streams your content using the specified delivery policy. For more information, see Configuring Asset Delivery Policies.

When accessing entities in Media Services, you must set specific header fields and values in your HTTP requests. For more information, see Setup for Media Services REST API Development.

Storage side encryption

Encryption optionDescriptionMedia Services v2Media Services v3
Media Services Storage EncryptionAES-256 encryption, key managed by Media ServicesSupported(1)Not supported(2)
Storage Service Encryption for Data at RestServer-side encryption offered by Azure Storage, key managed by Azure or by customerSupportedSupported
Storage Client-Side EncryptionClient-side encryption offered by Azure storage, key managed by customer in Key VaultNot supportedNot supported

1 While Media Services does support handling of content in the clear/without any form of encryption, doing so is not recommended.

2 In Media Services v3, storage encryption (AES-256 encryption) is only supported for backwards compatibility when your Assets were created with Media Services v2. Meaning v3 works with existing storage encrypted assets but will not allow creation of new ones.

Connect to Media Services

For information on how to connect to the AMS API, see Access the Azure Media Services API with Azure AD authentication.

Storage encryption overview

The AMS storage encryption applies AES-CTR mode encryption to the entire file. AES-CTR mode is a block cipher that can encrypt arbitrary length data without need for padding. It operates by encrypting a counter block with the AES algorithm and then XOR-ing the output of AES with the data to encrypt or decrypt. The counter block used is constructed by copying the value of the InitializationVector to bytes 0 to 7 of the counter value and bytes 8 to 15 of the counter value are set to zero. Of the 16-byte counter block, bytes 8 to 15 (that is, the least significant bytes) are used as a simple 64-bit unsigned integer that is incremented by one for each subsequent block of data processed and is kept in network byte order. If this integer reaches the maximum value (0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF), then incrementing it resets the block counter to zero (bytes 8 to 15) without affecting the other 64 bits of the counter (that is, bytes 0 to 7). In order to maintain the security of the AES-CTR mode encryption, the InitializationVector value for a given Key Identifier for each content key shall be unique for each file and files shall be less than 2^64 blocks in length. This unique value is to ensure that a counter value is never reused with a given key. For more information about the CTR mode, see this wiki page (the wiki article uses the term 'Nonce' instead of 'InitializationVector').

Use Storage Encryption to encrypt your clear content locally using AES-256 bit encryption and then upload it to Azure Storage where it is stored encrypted at rest. Assets protected with storage encryption are automatically unencrypted and placed in an encrypted file system prior to encoding, and optionally re-encrypted prior to uploading back as a new output asset. The primary use case for storage encryption is when you want to secure your high-quality input media files with strong encryption at rest on disk.

In order to deliver a storage encrypted asset, you must configure the asset’s delivery policy so Media Services knows how you want to deliver your content. Before your asset can be streamed, the streaming server removes the storage encryption and streams your content using the specified delivery policy (for example, AES, common encryption, or no encryption).

Create ContentKeys used for encryption

Encrypted assets are associated with Storage Encryption keys. Create the content key to be used for encryption before creating the asset files. This section describes how to create a content key.

The following are general steps for generating content keys that you associate with assets that you want to be encrypted.

  1. For storage encryption, randomly generate a 32-byte AES key.

    The 32-byte AES Key is the content key for your asset, which means all files associated with that asset need to use the same content key during decryption.

  2. Call the GetProtectionKeyId and GetProtectionKey methods to get the correct X.509 Certificate that must be used to encrypt your content key.

  3. Encrypt your content key with the public key of the X.509 Certificate.

    Media Services .NET SDK uses RSA with OAEP when doing the encryption. You can see a .NET example in the EncryptSymmetricKeyData function.

  4. Create a checksum value calculated using the key identifier and content key. The following .NET example calculates the checksum using the GUID part of the key identifier and the clear content key.

  5. Create the Content key with the EncryptedContentKey (converted to base64-encoded string), ProtectionKeyId, ProtectionKeyType, ContentKeyType, and Checksum values you have received in previous steps.

    For storage encryption, the following properties should be included in the request body.

    Request body propertyDescription
    IdThe ContentKey ID is generated using the following format, “nb:kid:UUID:<NEW GUID>”.
    ContentKeyTypeThe content key type is an integer that defines the key. For storage encryption format, the value is 1.
    EncryptedContentKeyWe create a new content key value that is a 256-bit (32 bytes) value. The key is encrypted using the storage encryption X.509 certificate that we retrieve from Microsoft Azure Media Services by executing an HTTP GET request for the GetProtectionKeyId and GetProtectionKey Methods. As an example, see the following .NET code: the EncryptSymmetricKeyData method defined here.
    ProtectionKeyIdThis is the protection key ID for the storage encryption X.509 certificate that was used to encrypt our content key.
    ProtectionKeyTypeThis is the encryption type for the protection key that was used to encrypt the content key. This value is StorageEncryption(1) for our example.
    ChecksumThe MD5 calculated checksum for the content key. It is computed by encrypting the content ID with the content key. The example code demonstrates how to calculate the checksum.

Retrieve the ProtectionKeyId

Js generate id. The following example shows how to retrieve the ProtectionKeyId, a certificate thumbprint, for the certificate you must use when encrypting your content key. Do this step to make sure that you already have the appropriate certificate on your machine.



Retrieve the ProtectionKey for the ProtectionKeyId

The following example shows how to retrieve the X.509 certificate using the ProtectionKeyId you received in the previous step.



Create the content key

After you have retrieved the X.509 certificate and used its public key to encrypt your content key, create a ContentKey entity and set its property values accordingly.

One of the values that you must set when create the content key is the type. When using storage encryption, the value should be set to '1'.

The following example shows how to create a ContentKey with a ContentKeyType set for storage encryption ('1') and the ProtectionKeyType set to '0' to indicate that the protection key ID is the X.509 certificate thumbprint.



Create an asset

The following example shows how to create an asset.

HTTP Request

HTTP Response

If successful, the following response is returned:

Associate the ContentKey with an Asset

After creating the ContentKey, associate it with your Asset using the $links operation, as shown in the following example:



Create an AssetFile

The AssetFile entity represents a video or audio file that is stored in a blob container. An asset file is always associated with an asset, and an asset may contain one or many asset files. The Media Services Encoder task fails if an asset file object is not associated with a digital file in a blob container.

The AssetFile instance and the actual media file are two distinct objects. The AssetFile instance contains metadata about the media file, while the media file contains the actual media content.

After you upload your digital media file into a blob container, you will use the MERGE HTTP request to update the AssetFile with information about your media file (not shown in this article).

HTTP Request

HTTP Response